
The usage of the tool is very simple. There are some command line options you can use.

  • -D gives you a debug output. It's usefull if you want to send me an email for debugging.
  • -d dumps all data stored in internal memory (for devices with small memory, there are 208 values).
  • -b dump all data from devices with big memory (new hardware versions) [experimental]
  • -s determines the status from the device.  See status informations for more details.
  • -i sets the output for invalide values (unreachable senors for example), default is hidden
  • -h prints ahelp text
  • -v prints the version number of te923tool 

If you start the tool (you have to start it as root), you get a colon separated line with all values. Unknown values (if sensor is not present) are hidden.


-  T0    - temperature from internal sensor in °C
-  H0    - humidity from internal sensor in % rel
-  T1..5 - temperature from external sensor 1..4 in °C
-  H1..5 - humidity from external sensor 1...4 in % rel
-  PRESS - air pressure in mBar
-  UV    - UV index from UV sensor
-  FC    - station forecast, see below for more details
-  STORM - stormwarning; 0 - no warning, 1 - fix your dog
-  WD    - wind direction in n x 22.5°; 0 -> north
-  WS    - wind speed in m/s
-  WG    - wind gust speed in m/s
-  WC    - windchill temperature in °C
-  RC    - rain counter (maybe since station starts measurement) as value

   weather forecast means (as precisely as possible)
     0 - heavy snow
     1 - little snow
     2 - heavy rain
     3 - little rain
     4 - cloudy
     5 - some clouds
     6 - sunny

If you use the option -s you get a status report of the device. The output is


 SYSSW  - software version of system controller
 BARSW  - software version of barometer
 EXTSW  - software version of UV and channel controller
 RCCSW  - software version of rain controller
 WINSW  - software version of wind controller
 BATR   - battery of rain sensor (1-good (not present), 0-low)
 BATU   - battery of UV sensor (1-good (not present), 0-low)
 BATW   - battery of wind sensor (1-good (not present), 0-low)
 BAT5   - battery of sensor 5 (1-good (not present), 0-low)
 BAT4   - battery of sensor 4 (1-good (not present), 0-low)
 BAT3   - battery of sensor 3 (1-good (not present), 0-low)
 BAT2   - battery of sensor 2 (1-good (not present), 0-low)
 BAT1   - battery of sensor 1 (1-good (not present), 0-low)